
Circus is available for in school and vacation care programs. For children and teenagers aged 3 years to 18 years, experience fun lessons in tumbling, acrobatics, juggling, fire twirling (poi), devil sticks, spinning, plates, hula hooping and if your school or site has the space and the capacity to we also have an array of lyra (aerial hoop) static trapeze and silks teachers and can provide aerial equipment.

Further to this we have worked with numerous schools and groups to create their own circus spectaculars.

What are the benefits of circus skills?

Circus skills offer a huge range of benefits to both children and adults alike. It has an excellent social function in that it brings together many people that would never have met. It encourages teamwork in a non-competitive environment.

It also allows participants to achieve things that they probably never imagined they would, there is normally a huge sense of achievement for those involved in the sessions.

The wonderful thing about circus workshops is that what has always seemed impossible when watching a performance becomes a reality for many people. Non-competitive games allow participants to develop in a group and allow people to form respect for others within that group; people are treated as equals. It has become evident, through experience, that these advantages give many people a wonderful boost of self-esteem.

In addition, circus skills offers physiological benefits It can improve fitness, while being fun and also can help those with poor attention. Juggling requires the user to stimulate both the right and left sides of their brain meaning improved co-ordination can result.

Our workshops can be tailored to meet a range of needs and can also be delivered to large groups. Each individual will get the chance to try a range of equipment and we like to encourage learners the chance to share their skills with friends and also to perform any new skills learnt to their peers in a supportive environment.

For schools wishing to partake in our circus workshops we also have a fantastic teachers resource kit.

But most importantly and as all our participants will tell you, circus is great because its FUN!

Students with special needs

Each week at Cube 37 we deliver a circus program dedicated to participants with special needs. ‘Cirque Sur Roues’ (Circus on wheels) is an inclusive circus, catering for adults of all abilities, and welcoming people with physical and intellectual disability and acquired brain injury. We can work with schools and community groups that include all abilities. Please contact us for further information.